Italian History: Who Was Flavius Odoacer?

3 min readOct 29, 2021

Italian history is filled with fights for power, wars, and conflicts. Making it intense as well as a very interesting study. If one studies Italian history, Flavius Odoacer is one of the chapters without whom the Italian history can’t just be rendered as complete. Due to the frustrating condition of the Roman army due to low wages and ranks, Odoacer successfully disposed of Romulus Augustulus, becoming the first Germanic king of Italy in 476.

Not everyone was happy with his rule, Emperor Zeno found himself forced to accept the Odoacer’s rule. Odoacer thought of himself as the King, instead of an emperor. Something that quickly led to the birth of hatred against him. Upon taking the reigns he established a generous distribution system to impress upon the commoners and to influence the Senate, as it was required of him in order to deal with the prevailing imperial ideology. His attempts were marked with a considerable degree of success, but history teaches us that the political environment doesn’t take too much time turning back onto you.

Accumulation of power attracts opposition, as Odoacer accumulated more and more power, Zeno felt threatened and began to despise Odoacer even more as he started to consider making plots against him. The relation started to get more weak as Odoacer expanded the ideas of his rule by making coins with his name and his…




A ridiculously motivated writer with interests in Entrepreneurship, Productivity, Fiction and Personal Development.